Mario Raya(sunshine)-Alvarez

About Me

Passionate, Curious, and a Life-long learner.

Thanks for visiting my site! My name is Mario Raya(sunshine)-Alvarez. I am an enthusiastic cybersecurity professional with over 10 years of experience! I started my career in 2015 as an Information Systems Technician (IT) in the Navy developing into various roles such as a network engineer, system engineer, and ending as an Information System Security Officer (ISSO). I separated from the Navy in 2023 after 8 years of service and immediately began working as a contractor for the DoD. I currently work as an Information System Security Manager (ISSM) where some of my duties include:

I look forward to taking my level understanding in cybersecurity and implementing it in new technology and skills. Below are some projects I have been working on, beginning with this website!


This website was created utilizing AWS infrastructure aligning with the five pillars found in Amazon's "Well-Architected Framework".

  • Purchased a custom domain using Route 53.
  • Hosted website files (HTML, CSS) in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Configured CloudFront for content delivery and caching.
  • Secured the site with an SSL certificate from AWS Certificate Manager.
  • Set up DNS using Route 53 to point the domain to CloudFront.
  • Enabled AWS CLI to allow a powershell script to upload changes to the bucket and create invalidations on CloudFront.

Recipe Repository

This personal site is for family and friends to enjoy each other's recipes.


Next Project Ideas:

  • TBD

Contact Information & Social Media

